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Cooking Up Nightmares

By October 31, 2023June 26th, 2024No Comments

Welcome to my laboratory. This is the first of many weird and wondrous pitstops on your journey through Shifting Tides.

Think of it this way: you’ve just waltzed into my kitchen, and together we’re concocting a masterful feast of new formats, narratives, and daring aesthetics, all while leveraging cutting-edge production tools and the latest in emerging technologies in service of human creativity.

Your immediate feedback loops, your emotional responses—they’re the secret ingredients that will shape the process and direction. This communal table is where we’ll birth new characters, stories and concepts, and paint vivid visuals on the canvas of innovation. So brace yourselves!

And what better way to kick off  this journey than by embracing the spine-tingling, hair-raising spirit of Halloween! In this kitchen of invention we explore terrifying nightmares and whimsical woods, and have a good time while we’re at it.

Let’s cook some good shit!


Stay inspired and stay connected.
